A big thanks to my sister Megan for redoing my blog. I
love the new background! Peonies and hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. And speaking of flowers, things are almost in full bloom over here! This time last year Rachel was still tiny and Mom and Dad spent a lot of time in Edmond helping out with her and revamping our front yard. Originally, there was a majorly overgrown planting of Red Tips in the front- placed directly on top of a berm, and in between two overgrown Bradford Pears. Talk about terrible. The front flower bed had a nice look at first glance, but I quickly discovered everything in there was dying because it hadn't been planted properly (aka...roots need to be below the surface of dirt people!!) All this to say that last Spring was dedicated to pulling out lots of things and laying sod in the front yard (and transplanting my beloved peony from Mom and Dad's house!). We didn't really get around to replanting much until the fall, when yet again Mom and Dad helped me do a quick makeover while Chris was out of town for work. We added some clearance plants (you should always check to see what's left at the end of the season...you get great deals and it's a perfectly OK time to plant perennials!) and hung shutters. SO! This is my first Spring to go outside each day and see the changes my little plants have made over night! My irises (transplanted from MaryBeth's old place in Stillwater...tear!) are blooming a beautiful blue, my pink Knockout Rose (transplanted from Mom's because Dad spotted several of these beauties on a clearance at True Value in Fort Gibson) is completely leafed out and even has a couple of blooms, and the clearance plants from last fall (decorative grasses and azaleas) and doing wonderfully as well! Of course my pansy border is fading, so it is time for me to decide what to plant in it's place. I will definitely need to pick something that can handle full-sun because we have an appointment to have the two pear trees out front removed next week. Eeek! I am SO excited for them to be gone. They are such a mess to clean up after in both the spring and the fall, and sort of a liability since some of the limbs are dangerously close to the house. I know I will miss the wonderful shade they provide (we are planting another tree in their place, but obviously it will be a few years before we can expect any shade!) but I think in the long run this is the best choice.
My Free Stillwater Irises and Bargain Ft Gibson Rose |
Free Ft Gibson Peony |
It's going to be beautiful! |
Shot of entire house with massive pear trees. I'll post a new pic when they're gone! |
Note: I really shouldn't say some of these plants were free. Mom and Dad have a lot of time, energy, and (unfortunately) gas money invested in these!
I am so glad Rachel likes to be outside because that it definitely where we have been lately! She already has a little tan line from her T-shirts, which I think is hilarious! With all of this outdoor time, dinner plans have been put on the back burner. This is the hardest time of year for me to make myself cook! And this is definitely when I would be coercing Chris to run to Braum's so that we could skip kitchen cleanup and just enjoy being outside...except for that little eating-out rule I made at the beginning of the year. So BLTs to the rescue! Now, I have to admit that Chris and I are majorly spoiled to Nolechek's bacon. It's from Wisconsin and it is 10 million times better than anything you can buy here. We stock up on it when we go up there to visit, and ask relatives to bring us some when they come down our way. I was saddened to discover I am on my last package from the freezer when I realized that my sister-in-law Michelle's graduation is coming up in about a month, and some of the Wisconsin clan is planning to come down! Yay! More bacon (and probably cheese) for us! If I can talk them into it. Wish me luck!
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